Thursday, September 29, 2005

Why, Why, Why....

When I take a test, why does the professor always ask the stuff I didn't study for or don't really understand and never the stuff I know cold? How do they know?

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Where have you been?

I have every intention of keeping up with this blog but, my God, I have not had time! I know you're thinking, "Whatever, people always say that. Find the time." Here was my day yesterday.

6 am - 6:30- Morning walk
6:30- 8:00- Shower, breakfast, get daughter ready for school, get myself ready for school, take daughter to school
8:00- 8:30- Make beds, brush teeth, laundry
8:30-9:00- Read for Earthquake and Volcanoes class, post on E and V class message board
9:00- 11:00- Off to school, Earthquake and Volcanoes class- stop by Ed Psy professors office to see my test score-61-with the curve, it's a C, oh well better luck next time
11:00- 12:15- Start paper for evil philosophy class-due Friday
12:15- 12:25- Lunch- frozen Lean Cuisine
12: 25- 1:45- Classroom observation for the WORST 2nd grade teacher ever!
1:45- 2:45- Back to campus for Earthquake and Volcano test review- Test on Thursday
2:45- 6:00- Pick up daughter and two other kids that I watch 3 days a week every other week, get snacks, supervise homework, keep everyone entertained until dad comes to pick up kids
6:00- 6:45- Start bath for daughter, dinner for family, cram food in my mouth
6:45- 9:45- Educational Psychology class- Did I mention how bad I did on my test last week
9:45- 10:15- Collapse, exhausted but can't sleep because I'm still wired from the day
10:15- Take sleeping pill
Wednesday 2:15 am- Wake up because husband is snorring! Have anxiety attack because I have so much to do over the next few days (two tests and one mid term paper). Take Kava to calm down.
6:00 a.m.- Morning starts all over again.

This is my day! No wonder I'm so tired and crabby!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Testing-Testing...1, 2, 3, Testing

Clearly I didn't study enough for my Educational Psychology test. I did terrible....good thing the professer grades on a curve. I'll know exactly how bad I did next Tuesday.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Word Not so Perfect

In my Earthquakes and Volcanoes class I have to write a one page weekly journal about some kind of seismic event in the world. Included in this journal is a summary of what happened, the plates involved, type of fault, pictures and sources. I started this weeks journal about 3:00 and 90 minutes later I was FINISHED with my paper. However, just as I was doing my final save, Word crashed and I lost my paper. The whole thing. I know what you are going to say, "You should have been saving all along." Well, I did! I have auto save on so it saves every seven minutes. I have even renamed the paper and put it in a specific folder. I was beside myself. I had a meltdown and then restarted my paper. Four hours after I started, I was done again. I had so much other homework to do but I was mentally drained, I could do no more.

Then about 11 o'clock, I had another meltdown because I realized how much I was going to have to do today! It seemed really bad last night but now it's not so bad. At 7:30 this morning I finished my problem set for Earthquake and Volcanoes, then I did a little research for my paper for the evil philosophy class (I can write a short paper about what my research is on Thursday), and now all I have left is to study for my test in Education Psychology. Unfortunately, it's five chapters to get through but if I break it down into 45 minutes of study time and about 30 minutes off, I think I'll be O.K. The test is on Tuesday night. Pray for me.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

I love Thursday!

I love Thursdays because I have a class in the morning, then I get to come home to an empty house! No husband and no kid! Not that I don't love my child but after spending the summer with her, I'm ready for a little quiet. There is no TV on, no computer games going, and no sports radio yapping in the background, just peace and quiet. Now, I should be studying because I have a test next week, but I'm not. I'm going to finish this post, work out, have lunch, maybe take a nap, and if I have time before I pick up my daughter, then I'll study. I don't know about you but I really need some quiet in my life or I start to feel really anxious and slightly crazy. I don't know how my friends who, go, go, go, with no time out, do it. I would be reeling in a depression stupor if I didn't have some kind of peace in my head.

I just love Thursday!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Tutor Time...

I haven't written in a while....I am starting to feel overwhelmed and the end of semester fatigue is setting in about nine weeks too early! I did get my wireless network set back up so I can post while my daughter plays on other computer.

I went to my first tutor/teacher helper session yesterday, lets just say it was eye opening. I went into the classroom and the first words that came to mind when I saw the teacher were "tired and frazzled." I spent two hours thinking about all the things I don't want to do when I become a teacher. For example, the desks were arranged in a U shape and the problem kid was away from all the other kids in the back of the classroom. I mean like he wasn't even in the U with the other kids! He reminded me of a little nomad in another country. He was far enough away from the teacher so she could ignore him and she did! To keep the kids quiet, she did a lot of "Shhhhh" over and over. At first I though she might have some kind of tic or she was possibly leaking air but no she was trying to quiet the kids down to no avail. Finally, before she gave out instructions, she handed out math manipulatives (this is teacher talk for small counting blocks) and then told the class not to play with them. These are 2nd graders, that's like giving a drunk a beer and telling him, "Don't drink that." So of course they played with the blocks while she was trying to give instruction and shushing them. Then she is wondering why they aren't getting the instruction right. This woman is not a rookie teacher, she been teaching for 15 years and has a doctorate in something! Unreal...I have 18 more hours of this.

O.K.-word verification gets turn on. I posted and then had to edit and I already had evil commet spam!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Creepy Campus

If you have a million dollars and want to donate it to a institute of higher learning, I guarantee you will have a building on campus named after you. On my campus, not only will you have a building named after you, they will stick a bust of you on the building named after you. These busts have a creepy lifelike quality. When I have to walk by them, I walk as far away as and round about way as possible. They are so life like I feel like they are going to burst out of the wall and start talking. It reminds me of Han Solo in the Star Wars movie where he gets frozen in that black stuff. I really need to take a picture so everyone can see the creepiness.

School is going O.K. I have a lot of reading and now on top of that I have to start my 20 hours of tutoring to fill the requirements of my American Public Schools class. It's going to take most of the semester to get through it because I can only go once a week for two hours but I'm going to see if I can work three hours so I can get it over with.

I had to go to Teacher Orientation the other day. I spent an hour in a freezing cold classroom just to fill out two pieces of paper, what a waste of time. Apparently the state requires the schools to hold these time wasting sessions. I was telling my mom it and she said, "Your getting into public service. Get used to the bureaucracy."