Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Resume Napping

I have three, count 'em, three night classes...Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night from 7 to 9:45. I am such a morning person so this night class business just kills me. Fortunately school is less than two miles from home; class can be over and I'm home and in bed in less than 10 minutes. I have this need to have a smooth running household subsequently a number of things need to be done from the time I pick up my daughter from school to the time I walk out the door for the evening...
  1. Daughters homework completed and returned to her backpack
  2. School papers signed and returned to said backpack
  3. Bath for daughter
  4. Dinner for daughter
  5. Dinner for mom and dad
  6. Clothes picked out and ironed for the next day
  7. Face washed and contacts out
  8. And the most critical....a nap! I can't get through without my nap

My husband usually walks in the door at the same time I need to leave...any discussion we need to have must be completed in less than 30 seconds or via cell phone on my way to school. This schedule makes me cringe but it's only for 15 weeks and I think I can do just about anything for 15 weeks.


Blogger Running2Ks said...

I don't know how you do it all--you have my utter admiration!

5:57 PM  
Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

Tight schedule. Good luck with it..

7:45 AM  

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