Monday, January 16, 2006

Science Fair Project

Let me be on record....I hate science fair projects! I hate that my daughter's science fair project turns into my science fair project. Let's daughter is high functioning autistic-she is all about concrete concepts and the here and now. Trying to explain to her why we are doing an experiment and what it means to her is like beating my head against a wall....she couldn't care less. I have tried explaining this to her teachers and I have tried to get them to assign something else for her-they pretty much put it on me to figure out something else for her to do. Here's the thing....I don't have time to make up a project for her to do, I mean I really, truly don't have time and surely she is not the only one to ever go through the school district who couldn't do a science fair project! For the love of God give her a pass!!!

I am dumping here because I have spent the afternoon working on sweet daughters science project after she got bored with it. I know I will struggle with science fair projects when I'm a teacher because I think they are a monumental waste of don't like them, parents hate them, and most teachers can't be bothered with them. GRRRRR....I hate this!


Blogger Running2Ks said...

I remember feeding hot dogs to a venus fly trap. Got an A for no work. Yep, sounds pointless.

Maybe you can do the baking soda/vinegar volcano thingie. Or the potato battery.

6:13 PM  
Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

It is crazy. The thing that bothers me most about these "projects" is that the kids who do best never did the work. It's done by the parents..

8:40 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Amen H and B!!!!

12:26 PM  

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