Back to the grind
First day back to school and I must say....not too bad. Today was College Algebra for Non-Scientific Majors and I am taking the easiest math possible because I am afraid of math. I'm not sure when the fear set in...I took a lot of math all through Jr. High and High School- pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and college algebra but I struggled through all of them; I never did any better than a B-. Anyway, I have avoided math for 2 1/2 year of college and now I have to bite the bullet. The professor seems nice enough and the book looks more like 8th or 9th grade math so I think I'm going to be okay. There will only be three tests that will determine the entire grade(I'm a little twitted out about that) and we have assigned problems from the book however we don't have to turn any of it in. Weird but whatever; I guess I'm going to have to be an adult in this class because there will no one to report to except me.
On a totally different subject-I walk for about 45 minutes every morning; Monday mornings are always the most interesting because just based on the trash people leave on the curb I know what type of home improvement project they did over the weekend. One neighbor got new mattresses, another got a new dishwasher and a new trash compactor, and someone did some MAJOR spring cleaning. Just like you'd like to know.
Hope your math class is really easy for you.
Do you have trash pictures. It's just so darned fascinating..
Angela...NO WAY! I have totally avoided any biology or chem classes...give me earth sciences any day!
H&B..I should take a few...especially the sofas and always seems like there is left over upholstery that not even goodwill wants.
Welcome back to the grind--may you enjoy yourself along the way ;)
Running...this grind is waaaay better than the sucky retail management grind I left 2 1/2 years ago.
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