Tuesday, December 13, 2005

No Thank You but Thank You For Asking....

With the holidays right around the corner, we have been receiving a few packages in the mail (mostly Amazon...in case you care.) Today in the mailbox was a package from my brother in law addressed to my husband. (This is my husband's sister's husband so really my husband's brother in law..does that make sense?) I called my husband at work to see if he was expecting something from the brother in law, perhaps a present for his wife (the brother in law is a fabulous photographer.) My husband said no and to go ahead a open it....it was a book, with a post it note to my husband that said the brother in law had finished reading the book and thought of my husband, particularly in the first chapter. The book is something about having a thirsty soul and quenching your soul's thirst with JESUS! I guess the my brother and sister in law think we have thirsty Jesus empty souls...which I'm sure we do since neither one of us is religious at all however that's nobodies business but ours! I would NEVER think of sending an unsolicited book of my thoughts on God, Jesus, and religion to the brother and sister in law and if I did I'm sure it would permanently damage our relationship.

I never discuss religion or politics; for one, I'm in Texas and I know my liberal thoughts and ideas are not appreciated by everyone. I have several other very good reasons I'm not religious but they are nobodies business but mine and I don't discuss them freely. If someone really wants to press the issue, I will talk but not without letting them know what I'm about to say and they can't get all pissy with me because they don't like or agree with what I have to say; I've learned my lesson too many times if I don't preface all conversations. For example, not too long ago, I was talking to the above sister in law and I said something about how I thought gay marriage was okay. She didn't get upset or anything just really quite and then said, "Really? You don't think it cheapens your marriage?" I replied, "Nope, don't care...and I don't see how it could cheapen my marriage. It has nothing to do with me and if the gay folks want to get married more power to them." The sister in law didn't call for weeks and weeks and when she did call the tone of the call was very cold. Needless to say, the subject has never been brought up again. Just a few weeks ago I told her a good friend of both of ours broke up with his long time boyfriend. I was going on and on about how sad it was because they were a great couple with a cute dog. She was like, oh well. This is just the gay issue, I can't imagine if I had a heavy discussion with her about religion or politics. (Although my mother in law says to so her, "Well, honey...he's your president.")

So anyway...my hide is chapped. I don't hold a grudge or stay mad at people but this really makes me mad! I don't want to confront the brother or sister in law about it because they will totally take it the wrong way and I will have to live with the punishment for a loooong time. I'm just going to have to get over it.


Blogger Running2Ks said...

Maybe you could tell them that you ate the book because you were hungry for Jesus ;)

Just kidding.

Seriously, for years I had to deal with my husband's step-uncle and his cousins trying to convert me--and it made me mad for a long time. But not anymore. I'm done with letting it get to me.

I'm sorry that there are some people who just "don't get it" and that they inflict that on you.

5:15 PM  
Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

I think the easiest thing is to just ignore it.
They probably meant well even though it was inappropriate..

5:57 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Here's the thing...I get tired of always taking the high road. My mom said, "I'm sure they were just trying to be helpful, don't cause waves" By God, I want to cause waves because I don't care, I think it's rude! Why do people who are preaching about God and Jesus get some kind of automatic pass? They think everyone wants to hear about it. (I, of course, am making a sweeping generalization.)

If I sent an unsoliciated book to my sister in law about gay marriage, pro choice, or Agnosticism she would probably never speak to me again...and I'm very serious about that. I'm so mad about this I am really considering it. I do need to cool off or I will really regret it. See, why don't the sister and brother in law think like this? Why don't they think before they do?

Sorry this is rambling...it's just a stream of thought.

3:34 PM  
Blogger The MAN Fan Club said...

I go to church, but don't kill anyone's roots. I'm just a seed planter.

Sell it on EBAY!

9:27 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Monday mornings on NPR they have a feature called "This I Believe." The Penn guy from Penn and Teller had a great essay on his believe or I should say non-belief in God. I'm going to send that essay to the sister and brother in law when I send the book back.

Man Fan...I went to church for many years, now I don't. I'm happy to have my Sunday mornings free.

4:11 PM  

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