Friday, December 09, 2005

What do you do?

When I'm not at school or being a Mom, I work as an assistant buyer for a small boutique catalog. For the most part, it is a fun job but right now it is HELL getting stuff in so we can pack and ship it in time for the holidays.

Buying stuff (and it is stuff, none of it is necessary for everyday living) for a catalog is a crap shoot. We have only been around for a 18 months so we can't really analyze what or how much stuff buy.

For instance, a cute pink travel clock, I think it's cute, head buyer thinks it's cute, and call center manager thinks it's cute but does the public think it's cute. If the public thinks it's cute, how many of the public think it's cute? If we send out 100,000 catalogs, how many cute pink travel clocks should I buy? 12, 20, 48, or 96? If I buy 48 it could be a dog and then we are stuck with it until a warehouse sale; if it's a hot seller then how fast can I get more it to fulfill the backorder? Is this stuff in the country or is it on a container on the way from China? (Sorry to say, but that's where most of the stuff comes from.) If I under buy, then the call center manager comes into my office and hollers, "When are we getting more of the stuff in." If I over buy then the book keeper come into my office and says, "Why did you buy all of this stuff? Now were are stuck with it." I actually lose sleep over whether I've over or under bought.

So there you go, that's what else I do in addition to being Mom, wife and student.


Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

It's nice that you found such a relaxing job to offset the stess of school and family, tee,hee..

5:15 PM  
Blogger Running2Ks said...

Welcome back! That job sounds like a tightrope walk :)

6:21 PM  
Blogger The MAN Fan Club said...

Many American flags are made in China. I saw a box of broccoli at school that was "A product of China." We can't even grow our own broccoli?

1:50 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

A customer called and asked where something was made. I said China and she said, "Good, that where all the good stuff comes from." What?

9:55 PM  

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