Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The last day

Today was my last tutoring day and I had a revelation about the WWT-she has got her freaking hands full! I felt sorry for her today because she had a good lesson planned and was trying to fight through it but she has got three kids that just suck up her energy. All three of them are looking for some kind of attention positive or negative; one clearly had some ADD issues, one is just crying out for attention- lots and lots of attention-he can't do anything without someone standing right next to him, and the third one just refuses to do any work at all. The whole class needs a different discipline program for example, today a boy was writing on his chair and WWT yelled at him about what his was doing was valdalism and against the law--like a second grader cares. I would have told him to get up, get some cleaner, and wash down his chair not just the mark, the whole chair--if he did it again, he could wash down his chair and five others during recess.

I could go on and on about what I would do different in this class but my time is over, I'm tired, I'm ready finish this semester, and get on to the next semester.


Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

Glad you got through it..

5:30 PM  
Blogger Running2Ks said...

I'm glad you are out of there. I feel sorry for her students.

6:09 PM  

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