I have been tardy in has been crazy! (That is a whole other post.) Grades are A in American Public Schools, a B- in educational psychology, an A in the life sucking philosophy class, and an A- in Earthquakes and Volcanoes. I'm a little distressed about the B-; In my current college career I have NEVER had a B-.
I just got my term paper back from the life sucking philosophy class-shockingly I received a 100 and a very good written on my paper. I called my mom to share in my celebration (she was instrumental in the editing of my paper) and she said, " wasn't so bad after all." I have to admit, the class wasn't so bad, however I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't stressed so much about the ambiguous content of a philosophy class.
Way to go..
Many congratulations!!!!
Thank you, thank you everyone! I am off until January 9th when I will be faced with Algebra for non-science majors, Reading I, Exceptional Children, and Social Studies Methods or as a fellow student called it Arts and Crafts 101.
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