Friday, December 02, 2005

Fantastic Friday!

I am from the foul Friday Philosophy class- I made it through and my brain did not explode! Friday is once again a good day!

Tommorrow morning is my last final! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I am doing the happy dance-my last Saturday morning class!

Yesterday was my sweet daughters ARD (Admission, Review, Dismissal) committee meeting and normally I would be a emotional wreck afterwards but this time I was not. Her speech and resource teachers have been working really hard so she has actually moved up an entire grade level in her reading from mid 2nd grade to mid 3rd grade. After the winter break she will "graduate" to the upper elementary resource teacher and be with kids more own age. Yeah! Her resource teacher knew I was having serious anxiety about my sweet girl moving on to Jr. High (it's 2 years away but I'm still incredibly anxious) and she invited the transition specialist to our meeting-some of my anxieties were relieved. I know other parents have a terrible time with ARD's but I can truly say I've always had a great experience. My daughter's teachers are always looking out for her-I know they want the best for her and they push to get her the most they can get out of the school district. I just love them!

Well, it's been 3 1/2 months since I've had a Friday night cocktail- I think I'm going celebrate and have to have two!


Blogger Running2Ks said...

Happy dancing with you here!

8:02 PM  
Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

Good luck on the final..

7:44 AM  
Blogger Pigs said...

That can be really scary, can't it? (All the ARD stuff) I've seen parents herded in and out of those like cattle and it makes me mad! Send me an email! I have a question to ask you, but can't find yours on your profile. :o)

8:41 PM  

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