Saturday, October 08, 2005

Fucked by Technology....Again

I'm taking an Educational Psychology class (remember the one where the professor is also the author of the book we are using) and he has us do assignments out of the book and to do the assignments you have to use the CD that comes with the book. I've done some other projects using this CD and it always acts weird because out of the three CD drives we have in our house it only works in one. So I'm typing away answering the 10 short answer questions, when all of the sudden, the CD drive starts making some horrible noise and the computer crashes; I had lost all of my work, again. I had been working on this little project for over an hour and I had to start all over again. "My God," I was thinking, "I just don't have the fucking time to be fucking redoing assignments!" So I had another meltdown (my book is in bad shape after I flung it across the room) and then started my project all over. However, this time I typed out each question and then answered it- I was not trusting the fucking CD to work. Two hours after I started, I was finished, again. Is this story sounding familiar? I am beginning to think this semester is going to be one long meltdown.


Blogger truckdriver_sefl said...

Jennifer I have very few meltdowns I cant remember the last one but I would say if I had been working that long if I didnt melt down at the very least my ears would be glowing red.

8:36 AM  

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